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More Ways to Get to Approval

Posted March 16, 2021 by Regions Home Improvement Financing

Everyone deserves a second chance.

Contractor Harry Finley, owner of Finley Air Masters, held his tablet as he stood in the overheated kitchen of his potential clients, looking back across the gray granite island at Jim and Marsha Granger. Summer had come early this year, just in time for the A/C unit of their 1999 home to decide “end-of-life” really did mean the end.

Jim and Marsha had seen some tough times, with medical bills, an unexpected bout of unemployment — and to add to the troubles, the A/C was toast. They needed cool air now, and Harry had a good deal for them — they just needed some payment options.

While the Grangers didn’t qualify for the first loan they applied for, it didn’t even amount to a hiccup in Harry’s sales process. Using the EnerBank USA® Mobile Loan App, Jim and Marsha simply moved forward with the EnerBank YES Loan, an integrated counteroffer that allowed them to get the A/C unit they needed when they needed it.

When it comes down to it, there’s more than one way to get to an approval. Often, where there’s a will, there’s a way; and where there’s an integrated counteroffer, there’s an easy way to make sure that business becomes yours.

Harry was smart — he advertised payment options on his website, in his showroom, and even on the wrap on his truck. His appointment-setter back at the office mentioned payment options when she set up this visit. And Harry not only talked about his choice of payment options when he first arrived — setting Jim and Marsha’s minds at ease about paying for the A/C fix — but Harry also offered two great payment options when he presented his bid (a Same-As-Cash Loan and a Reduced Interest Loan). He knew from experience that baking those simple processes into his cycle meant more leads, a better close rate, and bigger project sizes.

Everything about this visit was going smooth, like clockwork. Jim and Marsha loved the new unit’s more powerful specs because it was a better fit for this house than the original unit, and Harry was available to do the work immediately. They were worried about their credit, but the YES Loan gave Jim and Marsha a second chance to get what they needed, all without any additional credit pull. It’s all integrated into EnerBank’s application system, so it’s fast and simple — and it helped Harry win that sale.

In a competitive marketplace like Harry’s, homeowners have many choices for their home improvement needs, so setting himself apart with great payment options — including EnerBank’s game-changing integrated YES Loan — really gives Harry a critical edge in that crowded field. For Harry, it means the difference between meeting his sales goals and falling short for the month.

By providing that integrated counteroffer, you can make sure price isn’t a barrier for your potential clients, too. Once a customer’s worries about how to pay for a project are alleviated, they can really focus on your expertise as a contractor and the superior customer service you provide, and they can get excited about getting the work they want done without having to wait. Chances are, you might even get a great referral out of it!
