Effective October 1, 2021, EnerBank USA ("EnerBank") merged with and into Regions Bank. Learn more here

EnerBank Blog

June | July

use Marketing Effectively to increase leads

Increase leads – How to use marketing effectively to increase leads

June 28, 2024

Increase Leads Through Targeted Marketing The home improvement market continues to be subject to the changes in the overall economy — and sometimes that means a backlog of projects (like during 2020) and sometimes that means you’re starving for good leads. And when you need leads, you need to make sure you’re getting good leads. […]

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Why All encompassing resources are improtan

Grow your business – Why All encompassing resources are important

June 26, 2024

Get it While It’s Hot What’s better than a bunch of educational tools to help you make more money? A bunch of FREE educational tools to help you make more money, of course! And Regions | EnerBank has put together a great selection of free resources that you can use as you optimize your marketing […]

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Grow your business made easy

Grow your business made easy: get ready, it’ll be in one place

June 21, 2024

Grow Your Business Made Easy — A Treasure of Tactics All in One Place We’ve been working on our Ultimate Guide for a little while now, offering you individual chapters for download, and now our entire guide is soon to be available in one place! In this comprehensive resource, you’ll be able to learn a […]

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Budgeting for Growth: Improve Cashflow

June 17, 2024

Checking Up on Your Business Budget 82% of businesses that fail do so because of issues with their cash flow. This means it’s extremely important that you’re consistently monitoring your budget and making changes when necessary. The more detailed this plan is, the more likely your business is to thrive and even grow during the […]

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Increase leads customer retention

Increase leads – Customer Retention: Why you should always be in near constant contact

June 14, 2024

Retaining Customers & Why It Matters If you’re not keeping in contact with your customers, you may be missing out on a big opportunity to get more leads and close more jobs. It’s been estimated that it costs 5 times as much to attract a new customer than it does to retain an old one. […]

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